Same Day Start/Same Day Contract: A Game-Changer for Your Orthodontic Office
Same Day Start/Contract: A Game-Changer 37min
In this video, I dive into the crucial roles that same day contracts and same day starts play in your orthodontic practice, highlighting the impact they have not just on your workflow, but also on your team and patients. I'll break down the differences between the two, and more importantly, why they matter.
Understanding the significance of over-communication, I'll guide you through strategies for your team to start the day fully prepared for potential same day starts and contracts. This preparation ensures every team member is on the same page, ready to provide a seamless experience for your patients.
Moreover, I'll share practical tips and tricks on maintaining the excitement and momentum once the contract is signed. It's not just about getting started; it's about keeping the energy high and the process smooth for both your team and your patients.
This video is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools to make same day starts and contracts a regular and successful part of your practice, boosting patient satisfaction and practice efficiency.